Yea, I know of Dimitri's work ;). But I really would like this to work
for C extensions as well. For me personally its no problem at all that this wouldn't work on conservatively configured machines. Heck, I *don't* want it to work on production machines. But being able to configure a dev machine to allow it would be very helpful.
Just the other day I was looking at what it would take to drop some extra compiled extensions somewhere that the Mac could find them, and was mildly disappointed to see that it would have to be inside the app bundle itself, so they would then disappear on upgrade etc. The more maccy way to install extensions for a user app generally is to stick them under ~/Library/<appname>.
Note that is very much an application developer workstation targeted distribution, so the security issues don't really come into the picture. It would also be enough in this case to allow multiple paths to be compiled in rather than pulled from postgresql.conf, but either would work.