The following bug has been logged on the website:
Bug reference: 18138
Logged by: Akash Kava
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 15.4
Operating system: alpine
Doing UPSERT is not easy and I know it is a complicated process. However,
since UPDATE has a WHERE clause, there is no way we can do conditional
But I was able to find a workaround, using LIMIT keyword with VALUES. I am
aware of the ON CONFLICT clause, but the issue with ON CONFLICT is, it
increases identity every time we want to update a row.
INSERT INTO the_table(column_1, column_2)
VALUES ($1, $2)
LIMIT LEAST((SELECT 1 FROM the_table WHERE key_1 = $3),2)-1
Basically this is a part of a larger query I have explained here.
This works as expected except for boolean and date fields.
Here is the example,
insert into avatar(username,url,is_public)
values ('a','b', 'true');
insert into avatar(username,url)
values ('a1','b')
limit LEAST((SELECT 1 FROM avatar),2)-1;
insert into avatar(username,url,is_public)
values ('a2','b', 'true')
limit LEAST((SELECT 1 FROM avatar),2)-1;
The problem occurs when we are sending data from node-postgres library.
Is there any work around? IF this will work correctly, we will be able to
use UPSERT easily without having gaps in identity sequences
A smaller example would be that this works and inserts the row:
insert into avatar(username, url, is_public)
values ('a','b', 'true');
while you get the error with:
insert into avatar(username, url, is_public)
values ('a2','b', 'true')
limit 1 ;
I am not sure if this would be classified as a bug since you are putting quotes around the boolean value.
Without quotes it would work fine:
insert into avatar(username, url, is_public)
values ('a1','b', true)
limit 1 ;
or if you explicitly converted to the type of the column:
insert into avatar(username, url, is_public)
values ('a2','b', 'true'::boolean)
limit 1 ;
Best regards
Pantelis Theodosiou