I ran into a "function .... does not exist" error when invoking a function created by myself. What's weird is that the function works perfectly if I invoke it through the command line tool "psql" but fails if I invoke it through the C API.
The SQL to create the function is: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "lo_select_page"(uid_ BIGINT, lottery_type_ INT, type_ INT, time_start_ BIGINT, time_end_ BIGINT, page_number_ BIGINT, prize_status_ INT) RETURNS SETOF REFCURSOR AS $$ ...
END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
The SQL to invoke the function: BEGIN;SELECT lo_select_page(4163481095, 0, 0, 0, 1893477600000, 0, 0);FETCH ALL IN order_list_cursor; FETCH ALL IN page_count_cursor;COMMIT;
Server version is 9.1, both 9.1 & 9.2 psql works, C API version is 9.2