Re: ERROR: stack depth limit exceeded - Mailing list pgsql-general
From | Csányi Pál |
Subject | Re: ERROR: stack depth limit exceeded |
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Msg-id | Whole thread Raw |
In response to | Re: ERROR: stack depth limit exceeded (Laurenz Albe <>) |
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Re: ERROR: stack depth limit exceeded
Re: ERROR: stack depth limit exceeded |
List | pgsql-general |
Laurenz Albe <> ezt írta (időpont: 2025. febr. 19., Sze, 12:22): > > On Wed, 2025-02-19 at 11:23 +0100, Csányi Pál wrote: > > I am running postgresql 15 on Debian 12 operating system. > > I also installed PgAdmin4 and am using the desktop version of it. > > I have created a trigger function and a trigger which will run the > > following code, see below. > > Before this trigger would run, I tried this code. > > When running the code I get the following error message: > > ERROR: stack depth limit exceeded HINT: Increase the configuration > > parameter "max_stack_depth" (currently 2048kB), after ensuring the > > platform's stack depth limit is adequate. > > > > Where am I making a mistake, and what can I do to make this code and > > this trigger run successfully? > > You don't show the entire function and the trigger definition, Hi Laurenz, the trigger function definition is like: BEGIN INSERT INTO HAVONKENTI_MEGTAKARITASAINK (EZEN_IDOKOZBEN, MEGTAKARITVA_RSD, KELT) VALUES ((tsrange(( SELECT KELT FROM PUBLIC.JAVAINK_FORGALMA WHERE EN_KAPTAM = 'true' AND AZ_ARU_NEVE = 'nyugdíjam' ORDER BY KELT DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1 ),( SELECT KELT FROM PUBLIC.JAVAINK_FORGALMA WHERE EN_KAPTAM = 'true' AND AZ_ARU_NEVE = 'nyugdíjam' ORDER BY KELT DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0 ),'[)')),(SELECT SUM(EGYSEGAR * ENNYI_EGYSEG) FROM PUBLIC.JAVAINK_FORGALMA WHERE A_PENZNEM = 'RSD' AND KELT >= ( SELECT KELT FROM PUBLIC.JAVAINK_FORGALMA WHERE EN_KAPTAM = 'true' AND AZ_ARU_NEVE = 'nyugdíjam' ORDER BY KELT DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1 ) AND KELT < ( SELECT KELT FROM PUBLIC.JAVAINK_FORGALMA WHERE EN_KAPTAM = 'true' AND AZ_ARU_NEVE = 'nyugdíjam' ORDER BY KELT DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0 )), DEFAULT) ; END; and the trigger definition is like: CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER uj_nyugdij_beirasakor_kiold AFTER INSERT ON public.javaink_forgalma FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION public.ket_nyugdij_kozotti_megtakaritasaink(); COMMENT ON TRIGGER uj_nyugdij_beirasakor_kiold ON public.javaink_forgalma IS 'Új nyugdíj beírásakor kioldja a két nyugdíj közötti megtakarításaink nevű szerepet.'; > but from the symptoms it is pretty clear that the trigger is > modifying the table on which it is defined. That will call the > trigger again and lead to an endless recursion, which leads to > the observed error. > > Yours, > Laurenz Albe Indeed I did, the trigger should have been assigned on javaink_forgalma table, not on havonkenti_megtakaritasaink table. Actually, this trigger has been assigned on both tables so far, and I just deleted it from the havonkenti_megtakaritasaink table by using PgAdmin4. Now that I only have this trigger assigned on the javaink_forgalma table, an INSERT command into this table will activate the trigger function, which will then insert a new row in the havonkenti_megtakaritasaink table. However, by copying the code between BEGIN and END from the trigger function, and inserting it into the Query tool and then running this code there, it should insert a line in the havonkenti_megtakaritasaink table. But here I got the error message mentioned above. Hey! But now this code snippet ran without any errors! So what happened here? Thanks for all the advice! -- Best wishes by Paul Chanyi!
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