On Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 12:41 PM Michael Paquier <michael@paquier.xyz> wrote:
> Perhaps. That feels like a topic different than what's discussed
> here, though, because we don't really need to check if a bgworker has
> been launched or not. We just need to make sure that it never runs in
> the context of a binary upgrade, like autovacuum.
I'm a bit confused. Did you mean checking if a bgworker has been
*registered* or not?
But my point was that preventing a bgworker registration as a way to
avoid it from being launched may lead to some problem if an extensions
decides that a failure in the registration is problematic enough to
prevent the startup altogether for instance. I'm ok if we decide that
it's *not* an acceptable behavior, but it should be clear that it's
the case, and probably documented.