Re: Deleting idle connections - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Ron Johnson
Subject Re: Deleting idle connections
Whole thread Raw
In response to Deleting idle connections  (Yongye Serkfem <>)
Responses Re: Deleting idle connections
List pgsql-general
On Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 5:50 PM Yongye Serkfem <> wrote:
Hi Everyone!
I am having a series of idle connections and unable to delete them with a single command. Any help in realizing this would be greatly appreciated.

This will kill idle connections older than two hours:
select pid, pg_terminate_backend(pid)
from pg_stat_activity
where state = 'idle'
  and (EXTRACT(epoch FROM now() - backend_start))/3600.0 > 2;

Be warned that it might kill more than you want.  Add more WHERE predicates as filter.

Death to <Redacted>, and butter sauce.
Don't boil me, I'm still alive.
<Redacted> lobster!

pgsql-general by date:

From: "David G. Johnston"
Subject: Re: Deleting idle connections
From: Sakshi Behl
Subject: PgSQL - SIEM Integration