2. Are you truncating the table after each test run, or deleting all records, or appending?created new schema for each run.3. Is the blob data stored in BYTEA column data, or are you using the (discouraged) "Large Objects"?Blob storage
2. Are you truncating the table after each test run, or deleting all records, or appending?
created new schema for each run.
3. Is the blob data stored in BYTEA column data, or are you using the (discouraged) "Large Objects"?
Blob storage
4. How are you loading the blob data?used the Import data using a COPY statement, followed this dochttps://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/postgresql/flexible-server/how-to-use-pg-azure-storage?tabs=portal-01%2Cportal-02%2Cportal-03%2Cportal-04%2Cportal-05
4. How are you loading the blob data?
used the Import data using a COPY statement, followed this doc
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