2023-02-13 09:05:59,275: ERROR pgadmin: Could not connect to server(#17) - 'C11 - 1'. Error: connection to server at "**********************.hu" (2*************************6), port 5432 failed: FATAL: connection requires a valid client certificate connection to server at "*********************.hu" (2********************6), port 5432 failed: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "4*************************8", user "postgres", database "postgres", SSL off
It's interesting, because the SSL options are on, I set it to prefer/require.
Today I installed the V20. After that I can't connect to the servers.
These servers used crt/key files, and they ignore the passwords (I can use anything as pwd).
The V20 version said that certificate isn't valid.
On which platform are you facing the issue with the certificate/keys? Can you please provide the screenshots if possible?
Regarding passwords, we have just fixed one issue #5847. We have also changed the logic to make the connection string, I would suggest testing the nightly build tomorrow.
When I remove the V20, rename the backup SQLite db to the old, install the V19, it works fine with the same options.