Re: Convert number to string - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Melvin Davidson
Subject Re: Convert number to string
Whole thread Raw
In response to Fwd: Convert number to string  (Francisco Olarte <>)
Responses Re: Convert number to string
List pgsql-general
Postgresql has a translate function:

So you can create a pgsql function that
A;: converts the numeric to text:   txtnum := 12345::text
B, Translate it. eg: transnum := SELECT translate(txtnum, '123456789', 'FGHIJKLMN'); 
eg SELECT translate('31241', '12345', 'FGHIJ'); = HFGIF

You would then need a little further processing to determine the tens, hundreds, etc.

I'll leave that to you to work out, but additional functions of
strpos(string, substring)
substr(string, from [, count])

would seem helpful

On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 5:35 AM, Francisco Olarte <> wrote:
Forgot replying to all, forwarding to the list, sorree for the potential dupes.

Hi Hengky:

On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Hengky Liwandouw
<> wrote:
> I don’t have any idea how can I use postgres function to convert series  of number (currency) to my own string.
> My string         : F G H I J K L M N  as the replacement for number : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
> Dozens = O
> Hundreds = P
> Thousands = C
> Ten thousands = B
> So…
> 200 = GP
> 2000 = GC
> 1150 = FFJO
> 30000 = HB
> Any idea ?

Your example es severely unspecified, how do you translate 1024? and
1002? and 100000?

given the numbers in the example you can use a simple trick. 1st
replace using O for 0 via translate ( I'm not using capitals in teh
exmaple for better 0-o contrast ):

# with data(s) as (values('200'),('2000'),('1150'),('30000')) select
translate(s,'0123456789','ofghijklmn') from data;
(4 rows)

then replace sequences of 'o' starting with the longer ones:

# with source(s) as (values('200'),('2000'),('1150'),('30000'))
, step1(s) as (select translate(s,'0123456789','ofghijklmn') from source)
, step2(s) as (select replace(s,'oooo','b') from step1)
, step3(s) as (select replace(s,'ooo','c') from step2)
, step4(s) as (select replace(s,'oo','p') from step3)
select * from step4;
(4 rows)

clasical trick. But, as I said above, you need to specify it much better.

Francisco Olarte.

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Melvin Davidson
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