I have tried using an event trigger to detect table creation (ie: tg_event_audit_all ) however, that does not parse the schema_name and objid
as does pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects(), so I am not sure that is a practical way to audit.
Event triggers seem like the most promising suggestion so far (given that I only really need to know that something has changed, not necessarily what).
Still, I was hoping for a solution that doesn't rely on modifying the database at all, i.e. something built into Postgres, but it's pretty clear from everyone's answers nothing like this exists. (I wasn't looking for a creation date, exactly, because I'd want to know when something was modified, too).
I did a little digging. Note that PostgreSQL 9.5 iand above s required for this solution, but it should provide most of what you need.
You can also use now() or transaction_timestamp(), etc to record the date/time the change occurred.
Finally, although the schema_name is provided in pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands(), you will need to
SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relnamespace IN (SELECT oid from pg_namespace WHERE nspname = schema_name) INTO tbl_var;just to get the table name. I'm not sure why they didn't just give the table name firectly, but hey, at least there is a solution
Melvin Davidson I reserve the right to fantasize. Whether or not you wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.