So i have (table where data will be read) :
CREATE TABLE data (vid,cid,pid,number);
Tables where data will be writen/updated:
CREATE TABLE pid_top_vids (pid, vid[])
CREATE TABLE pid_top_cids (pid, cid[])
CREATE TABLE cid_top_vids (cid, vid[])
I need to , possibly in 1 query, this will run once in a while:
Get top(10) vids , sorted by 'number',grouped by pid and update the row in TABLE(pid_top_vids).
Get top(10) vids, sorted by 'number', grouped by cid and update the row in TABLE(cid_top_vids).
Get top(10) cids, sorted by 'number', where number is the SUM() of each vid GROUP_BY(cid) and update the row in TABLE (cid_top_vids);
So, get data, create sorted array, and update the rows (they exist, so only the arrays have to be updated).
Possible ?