GIN INdex is not used with && operator for a text array index - Mailing list pgsql-general

From balasubramanian c r
Subject GIN INdex is not used with && operator for a text array index
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Responses Re: GIN INdex is not used with && operator for a text array index  (Tom Lane <>)
List pgsql-general
HI Team

Sorry for the spam.

We have Postgres DB where the list of addresses are stored and for a given complete address
trigram of addresses are stored in a column which is a text array.

after looking at the list of operators that are available for gin index I decided to use array_ops operator.
select amop.amopopr::regoperator, amop.amopstrategy, opc.opcname from pg_opclass opc, pg_opfamily opf, pg_am am, pg_amop amop where opf.oid = opc.opcfamily and am.oid = opf.opfmethod and amop.amopfamily = opc.opcfamily and am.amname = 'gin' and amop.amoplefttype = opc.opcintype;
         amopopr         | amopstrategy |    opcname
 &&(anyarray,anyarray)   |            1 | array_ops
 @>(anyarray,anyarray)   |            2 | array_ops
 <@(anyarray,anyarray)   |            3 | array_ops
 =(anyarray,anyarray)    |            4 | array_ops

 CREATE INDEX pentgram_idx ON address18 USING GIN(pentgram array_ops);

when Operator '@>' is used the index is used and the execution time is 60ms.

db=# EXPLAIN (costs, buffers, verbose, analyze) select similarity('jattan kangra riyali 144 hp 176058', complete_address) from address18 where pentgram @> show_trgm('jattan kangra riyali 144 hp 176058');

 Bitmap Heap Scan on public.address18  (cost=261.25..262.52 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=58.992..58.994 rows=1 loops=1)
   Output: similarity('*****'::text, complete_address)
   Recheck Cond: (address18.pentgram @> '{******}'::text[])
   Heap Blocks: exact=1
   Buffers: shared hit=1483
   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on pentgram_idx  (cost=0.00..261.25 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=58.960..58.960 rows=1 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (address18.pentgram @> '{***}'::text[])
         Buffers: shared hit=1482
 Query Identifier: -126591413296272164
   Buffers: shared hit=1
 Planning Time: 0.679 ms
 Execution Time: 60.373 ms
(13 rows)

when Operator '&&' is used the index is used and the execution time is 60ms.
It is performing sequential scan which is not expected.

db=# EXPLAIN (costs, buffers, verbose, analyze) select similarity('jattan kangra riyali 144 hp 176058', complete_address) from address18 where pentgram && show_trgm('jattan kangra riyali 144 hp 176058');

 Seq Scan on public.address18  (cost=0.00..77215.11 rows=247741 width=4) (actual time=0.063..1880.467 rows=247741 loops=1)
   Output: similarity('****'::text, complete_address)
   Filter: (address18.pentgram && '{"****}'::text[])
   Buffers: shared hit=3592 read=69907
   I/O Timings: shared/local read=267.274
 Query Identifier: 2367846469053211383
   Buffers: shared hit=1
 Planning Time: 0.386 ms
 Execution Time: 1886.125 ms
(10 rows)

When i disable the sequential scan the execution time is increased significantly.

db=# EXPLAIN (costs, buffers, verbose, analyze) select similarity('jattan kangra riyali 144 hp 176058', complete_address) from address18 where pentgram && show_trgm('jattan kangra riyali 144 hp 176058');
                                                                                                                                                                                   QUERY PLAN
 Bitmap Heap Scan on public.address18  (cost=2266.24..79481.36 rows=247741 width=4) (actual time=186.402..3285.090 rows=247741 loops=1)
   Output: similarity('****'::text, complete_address)
   Recheck Cond: (address18.pentgram && '{***********}'::text[])
   Heap Blocks: exact=39632
   Buffers: shared hit=1361 read=39155 written=6260
   I/O Timings: shared/local read=981.127 write=544.491
   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on pentgram_idx  (cost=0.00..2204.31 rows=247741 width=0) (actual time=182.462..182.463 rows=247741 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (address18.pentgram && '{*****}'::text[])
         Buffers: shared hit=884
 Query Identifier: 2367846469053211383
   Buffers: shared hit=1
 Planning Time: 6.707 ms
 Execution Time: 3292.339 ms
(14 rows)

Not expecting this behavior currently.

Few parameters in my configuration
postgresql version is 15
OS is RHEL 8.8
effective_cache_size                     | 131072
huge_pages                               | off
maintenance_work_mem                     | 327680
max_parallel_maintenance_workers         | 1                                                                                  
 max_parallel_workers                     | 2    
 max_parallel_workers_per_gather          | 1                                                                                    shared_buffers                           | 32768


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