-- Partition with range from '5' to '10' shows error: postgres=# alter table tab1 attach partition p1 for values from ('5') to ('10'); ERROR: empty range bound specified for partition "p1" LINE 1: ...r table tab1 attach partition p1 for values from ('5') to ('... ^ DETAIL: Specified lower bound ('5') is greater than or equal to upper bound ('10').
-- Whereas, partition with range from '5' to '9' is working fine as below: postgres=# alter table tab1 attach partition p1 for values from ('5') to ('9'); ALTER TABLE
If this behavior is expected, Kindly let me know, how to represent the range from '5' to '10' with text datatype column? Is there any specific restriction for RANGE PARTITION table with TEXT datatype column?
Similar test scenario is working fine with INTEGER datatype.