I'm using 8.4.17 and I have the following query working, but it's not quite what I need:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (refid) id, refid, lastname, firstname, appldate
FROM appl WHERE lastname ILIKE 'Williamson%' AND firstname ILIKE 'd%'
GROUP BY refid, id, lastname, firstname, appldate ORDER BY refid, appldate DESC;
I worked on this awhile and is as close as I could get. So this returns rows as you'd expect, except I need to somehow modify this query so it returns the rows ordered by lastname, then firstname.
I'm using distinct so I get rid of duplicates in the table where refid (an integer) is used as the common id that ties like records together. In other words, I'm using it to get only the most recent appldate (a date) for each group of refid's that match the lastname, firstname where clause.
I just need the rows returned from the query above to be sorted by lastname, then firstname.
Hope I explained this well enough. Please let me know if you need more info.