On 2 September 2015 at 20:40, Andres Freund <andres@anarazel.de> wrote:
> On 2015-09-02 20:27:40 +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
>> The reason for this is that BDR replicates at a database level, but
>> CREATE SERVER and CREATE USER MAPPING are global, affecting all
>> databases on a PostgreSQL install. BDR can't therefore guarantee to
>> replicate CREATE SERVER to other nodes, since it might get run on a
>> non-BDR-enabled database.
> As Tom explained thats not the case for either of those two. To my
> knowledge the only reason those two commands aren't implemented is that
> either nobody implemented the required ddl deparsing or, actually
> somewhat likely, nobody removed the error check. Either way it should be
> simple to implement.
Well, that's embarrassing. Whoops. I could've sworn CREATE SERVER was global.
Thanks Tom and Andres for clearing up the misinformation.
Craig Ringer http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services