This could be fixed if it were possible to translate to select * from pg_sequences where seqoid = 'my_seq'::regclass; but the view isn't exposing the sequence OID. Should it?
It probably should. It's not part of information_schema, it's in pg_catalog, and it's entirely reasonable to join on oids.
The relfilenode for the sequence can change, but the sequence oid won't unless we actually drop and re-create it, so the weird issues with alter sequence operations being partly transactional and partly not shouldn't be a concern.
If it's to be a convenience view, it should possibly also expose the OWNED BY relation oid IMO, if any. You have the sequence oid you can join on pg_class and grab the relowner, so it's not a great hassle if it's missing, but if it's a view to help users out exposing that would seem sensible.