I'm trying to cast hstore to json, but I don't seem to be getting a json object from hstore key/value pairs.
9.3 documentation says:
Note: The hstore extension has a cast from hstore to json, so that converted hstore values are represented as JSON objects, not as string values.
to_json(anyelement) - If the data type is not built in, and there is a cast from the type tojson, the cast function will be used to perform the conversion.
On 9.3.5 server:
db=> SELECT '"a"=>1, "b"=>2'::hstore;
"a"=>"1", "b"=>"2"
(1 row)
db=> SELECT to_json('"a"=>1, "b"=>2'::hstore);
"\"a\"=>\"1\", \"b\"=>\"2\""
(1 row)
db=> SELECT cast(('"a"=>1, "b"=>2'::hstore) as json);
ERROR: cannot cast type hstore to json
LINE 1: SELECT cast(('"a"=>1, "b"=>2'::hstore) as json);