Re: Issue with Viewing Created Table in pgAdmin - Mailing list pgadmin-support

From Yogesh Mahajan
Subject Re: Issue with Viewing Created Table in pgAdmin
Whole thread Raw
In response to Issue with Viewing Created Table in pgAdmin  (Reuben Fraser <>)
List pgadmin-support

There is a database hierarchy defined in the object explorer.
Tables node indicates collection of tables. (If you notice there is a count of tables in the bracket). Below that tables are listed one by one which are sorted alphabetically. So, you need to select the table name from the list in the tables collection node.
If you notice , I have selected the 'Restaurants' table and then performed a right click. Selected database object(here table named 'restaurants') has a blue background.

Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 1.50.01 PM.png

Yogesh Mahajan

On Mon, Jul 8, 2024 at 5:56 AM Reuben Fraser <> wrote:
As I am now sending multiple emails to you without you responding -- which most likely is due to the weekend break, or you might otherwise have given up on me learning how to do what you are instructing me to do -- I will briefly recap:

Gmail #1 to which you haven't replied:

Your screenshot seems to indicate that you have looked at my database. Can you provide a screenshot in which the "grid view" and "rows of" my "table" can be seen, as proof that it is possible to do so, and then explain how I can do the same?

Gmail #2:

ChatGPT has provided a summary of our correspondence...

Current Situation:

  • The "Restaurants" table exists in the database, as verified by SQL queries.
  • I cannot view the data grid or rows to enter data into the table.
  • I am unsure if data needs to be entered via SQL commands first before the table becomes viewable in the grid interface.


  1. Viewing Data Grid:
    • Why can't I see the data grid view for the "Restaurants" table despite its confirmed existence?
  2. Entering Data:
    • If the data grid view appears only after entering data, how do I input data into the table using SQL commands?

Gmail #3 (the present):

In your last gmail, you advised:

You can use documentation from here.

I have found the relevant section:


I am yet to see the above data output. But that might be simply because I have thus far not entered any data into the table?

Once I have entered data, I should then be able to see the following:


The above is exactly what I want to see for creating a database for Seoul, South Korea.

As such, I have found the relevant section, and just need some clear instructions for what I need to do in order to see the grid view for the table.

I have looked up YouTube and found the following course:


However, that entire course is taught via using the SQL Shell, rather than the pgAdmin.



On Sun, 7 Jul 2024 at 12:47, Reuben Fraser <> wrote:
Continued Issue with Viewing Created Table in pgAdmin

ChatGPT has provided a summary of our correspondence about this unresolved issue, after I provided it with a transcript, to remind you of what we have discussed thus far:

Dear Yogesh,

I appreciate your continued assistance. Unfortunately, I am still experiencing issues viewing the "Restaurants" table in pgAdmin despite following your guidance. I want to provide a detailed account of the steps taken and the current situation to help pinpoint the issue.

Steps Taken:

  1. Table Creation:

    • I executed the following SQL command successfully to create the "Restaurants" table in the SeoulKPopAdventuresMap database:
      CREATE TABLE Restaurants ( RestaurantID SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, RestaurantName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, District VARCHAR(100), Neighborhood VARCHAR(100), CuisineCategory VARCHAR(100), CuisineSubcategory VARCHAR(100), Active BOOLEAN DEFAULT true, YearsIncluded TEXT, Address TEXT, Telephone VARCHAR(20), Menu TEXT[], Hours TEXT[], SpecialHours TEXT[], AdditionalInfo TEXT, ImageURL TEXT, PriceCategory VARCHAR(50), TripAdvisorRating DECIMAL(3, 2), MichelinGuideRating VARCHAR(50), VegetarianFriendly BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, VeganOptions BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, HalalOptions BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, GlutenFreeOptions BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, Meals TEXT[], SignatureDishes TEXT[], OpenNow BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, OnlineBooking BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, Awards TEXT[], GoodFor TEXT[], RestaurantFeatures TEXT[] );
    • The execution was confirmed as successful in the Query History.
  2. Table Existence Verification:

    • I ran the following query to verify the existence of the "Restaurants" table:
      SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = 'Restaurants';
    • The table existence was confirmed, showing it as a base table in the public schema of SeoulKPopAdventuresMap.
  3. Navigating in pgAdmin:

    • I navigated to the correct database (SeoulKPopAdventuresMap) and schema (public).
    • I attempted to select the table and use the "View/Edit Data" option as per the instructions of ChatGPT and you.
    • Despite following these steps, the table icon remains greyed out and cannot be clicked to open the data grid view.

Screenshots and Details:

  • When I select the "Restaurants" table in the left-hand column, the "View/Edit Data" icon remains grey and unclickable.
  • I have tried refreshing pgAdmin, restarting it, and ensuring no filters are preventing the table from displaying, all to no avail.

Current Situation:

  • The "Restaurants" table exists in the database, as verified by SQL queries.
  • I cannot view the data grid or rows to enter data into the table.
  • I am unsure if data needs to be entered via SQL commands first before the table becomes viewable in the grid interface.


  1. Viewing Data Grid:
    • Why can't I see the data grid view for the "Restaurants" table despite its confirmed existence?
  2. Entering Data:
    • If the data grid view appears only after entering data, how do I input data into the table using SQL commands?

I appreciate any further guidance you can provide to resolve this issue.

Sincerely, Reuben

On Sat, 6 Jul 2024 at 19:01, Reuben Fraser <> wrote:
I still don't see the table in the screenshot below, which is what I get when I follow your instructions.


According to ChatGPT I should follow these steps:

Check for Data Display:

·         Verify Table Existence: Double-check that the Restaurants table exists in the public schema of your SeoulKPopAdventuresMap database. You can use the SQL query SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = 'Restaurants'; to verify.

·         Look for options like "View/Edit Data" or "Browse Data" for the Restaurants table. Click on these options to open a grid view where you should see the rows of your table.

If these steps don't resolve the issue and you still can't see the data, there might be other factors at play such as permissions or specific configuration issues.

Clearly, what you have instructed me to do is consistent with the directions provided by ChatGPT in the above. But as already mentioned above, I am still yet to see "a grid view where you should see the rows of your table", even following your steps. Why don’t I see the grid view of the rows? Your screenshot seems to indicate that you have looked at the database in question. Can you provide a screenshot in which the "grid view" and "rows of" my "table" can be seen, as proof that it is possible to do so, and then explain how I can do the same?

If it helps, to further explain what I am wanting to do is to enter the data for the first table, and so I want to see the rows of the table into which I enter the data. If it is the case that I won't see any grid view or rows of the table until I enter data, then how do I enter data into the table without being able to see the grid view and rows? Do I enter the data into the rows by specifying for what row I want to enter the data by using code?Reuben

On Sat, 6 Jul 2024 at 18:22, Yogesh Mahajan <> wrote:

You need to select the table for which you want to see data. You have selected tables node under which all tables would e listed.
Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 1.50.01 PM.png

You can use documentation from here.

Yogesh Mahajan

On Sat, Jul 6, 2024 at 12:41 PM Reuben Fraser <> wrote:
Ok, I will check. That didn't help. As my screenshot below shows, when I click on the table in the left-hand column, it doesn't change that the table icon above remains grey, not black, and cannot be clicked. So, if this is what you mean when you say I should select the table, it proves that your theory about what is wrong is incorrect. Otherwise, you must mean that there is some other way for me to select the table, not the column node, and so you need to explain more clearly what you mean.



On Sat, 6 Jul 2024 at 00:20, Yogesh Mahajan <> wrote:

It's because you have selected columns node not the table. Select table and right click on it.

On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, 6:42 pm Reuben Fraser, <> wrote:
The table that your screenshot is pointing at is grey, not black, in my screenshot, which means that it cannot be clicked. See the cropped image below:


On Fri, 5 Jul 2024 at 19:46, Yogesh Mahajan <> wrote:


You need to select the table and then click on the View/Edit icon beside the query tool icon in object explorer.(or from the context menu of table). It should open the new window showing table data in the Data Output panel.
You can expect to screen like below.(Table does not have any data)

Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 3.15.03 PM.png

Kindly share a screenshot of the newly opened window if you face any issue.

Yogesh Mahajan

On Fri, Jul 5, 2024 at 12:40 PM Reuben Fraser <> wrote:


On Fri, 5 Jul 2024 at 16:42, Yogesh Mahajan <> wrote:

Can you please share the screenshot for pgadmin where the grid is not displayed?

Yogesh Mahajan

On Fri, Jul 5, 2024 at 11:44 AM Reuben Fraser <> wrote:
I have already done that, as me and ChatGPT were trying to resolve this issue for about two hours and tried everything that ChatGPT could think of. For example, this is our chat when doing that:

...proceed with converting to the Query Tool tab. This will allow you to execute the SQL query I mentioned earlier to check if the table exists:
SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = 'Restaurants';

Click "OK" or "Yes" to confirm that you want to convert to the Query Tool tab.
Paste the SQL query (SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = 'Restaurants';) into the query editor.
Execute the query by clicking the play button or pressing F5.
Review the output to see if the Restaurants table exists in your database.
This approach will help verify if the table is indeed present in the database and potentially shed light on why it's not displaying correctly in the data view/edit mode. If the query returns information about the Restaurants table, then it exists, and you can proceed with further SQL operations as needed.
The result is SeoulKPopAdventuresMap in the table_catalog, table_schema is public, table_name is Restaurants, table_type, BASE TABLE, and everything else is [null] except for is_insertable_into which is yes, and is_typed, which is no.

Great! It looks like the Restaurants table exists in your database (SeoulKPopAdventuresMap) as a base table in the public schema. This confirms that the table creation was successful.

To view or edit the data within the Restaurants table using pgAdmin, you might need to ensure you are navigating to the correct section:

  1. Navigate to the Table: Ensure you are looking under the correct database (SeoulKPopAdventuresMap) and schema (public) where the table was created.

  2. View/Edit Data: Look for an option like "View/Edit Data" or "Browse Data" in pgAdmin. This should open a grid-like interface where you can see the rows of the Restaurants table.

  3. Grid View: If clicking on the grid icon doesn't open the data grid view directly, try to refresh the interface or restart pgAdmin to ensure everything loads correctly.

If you're still having trouble finding or viewing the data, consider restarting pgAdmin or checking if there are any filters or settings preventing the table from being displayed. Sometimes, a simple refresh or reconnection to the database can resolve such issues.

I have already been doing the below all along:

To view or edit the data within the Restaurants table using pgAdmin, you might need to ensure you are navigating to the correct section:

Navigate to the Table: Ensure you are looking under the correct database (SeoulKPopAdventuresMap) and schema (public) where the table was created.

View/Edit Data: Look for an option like "View/Edit Data" or "Browse Data" in pgAdmin. This should open a grid-like interface where you can see the rows of the Restaurants table.

But as I have already explained, what I am not seeing is a Grid View

On Fri, 5 Jul 2024 at 13:56, Yogesh Mahajan <> wrote:

Are you able to locate the same table in object explorer? View/Edit data will appear in the context menu on the table.
Alternatively , you can open a query for the same table in the query tool to cross check if it is present. If it's present then, select the same database and click on 'Search Object' icon beside the filter icon in object explorer at top. Enter table name and click on search result. It will take you to the object location in the object explorer.

Yogesh Mahajan

On Fri, Jul 5, 2024 at 8:28 AM Reuben Fraser <> wrote:
I successfully executed the following SQL to create a table named Restaurants in pgAdmin:

CREATE TABLE Restaurants (
    RestaurantName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    District VARCHAR(100),
    Neighborhood VARCHAR(100),
    CuisineCategory VARCHAR(100),
    CuisineSubcategory VARCHAR(100),
    Active BOOLEAN DEFAULT true,
    YearsIncluded TEXT,
    Address TEXT,
    Telephone VARCHAR(20),
    Menu TEXT[],
    Hours TEXT[],
    SpecialHours TEXT[],
    AdditionalInfo TEXT,
    ImageURL TEXT,
    PriceCategory VARCHAR(50),
    TripAdvisorRating DECIMAL(3, 2),
    MichelinGuideRating VARCHAR(50),
    VegetarianFriendly BOOLEAN DEFAULT false,
    VeganOptions BOOLEAN DEFAULT false,
    HalalOptions BOOLEAN DEFAULT false,
    GlutenFreeOptions BOOLEAN DEFAULT false,
    Meals TEXT[],
    SignatureDishes TEXT[],
    OpenNow BOOLEAN DEFAULT false,
    OnlineBooking BOOLEAN DEFAULT false,
    Awards TEXT[],
    GoodFor TEXT[],
    RestaurantFeatures TEXT[]

The execution was confirmed successful in the Query History. However, despite following the steps provided by ChatGPT to view the table in pgAdmin, I am unable to locate it. Specifically, after navigating to the correct database (SeoulKPopAdventuresMap) and schema (public) and attempting to open "View/Edit Data" or "Browse Data," no table appears in the grid-like interface as expected.

Could you please advise on how to resolve this issue and ensure the table is correctly displayed in pgAdmin?


Reuben, a new user.


pgadmin-support by date:

From: Aditya Toshniwal
Subject: Re: Re: upgrade from version 4.28 to 8.8
From: Yogesh Mahajan
Subject: Re: Issue with Viewing Created Table in pgAdmin