Index usage with differing string types - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Henning Garus
Subject Index usage with differing string types
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Re: Index usage with differing string types
List pgsql-general

I stumbled upon this behaviour when digging into the performance of some merge statements generated by hibernate.

Looking at different String types (varchar, text and bpchar) in some cases an index is used when the index type differs from the type in the query, in some cases it isn't used.

Given a table with an index on a bpchar column:

create table test (id bpchar(8) primary key);

Both of the following queries use the index:

explain select * from test where id = 'foo'::bpachar(3);
explain select * from test where id = 'foo'::varchar;

However when the String is cast to text the index isn't used:

explain select * from test where id = 'foo'::text;

This behavior seems to be consistent across postgres 12, 16 and 17.

I find it surprising that the cast to varchar behaves differently than the cast to text, is this intended behaviour?


pgsql-general by date:

From: Adrian Klaver
Subject: Re: Lookup tables
From: Adrian Klaver
Subject: Re: Index usage with differing string types