Re: timestamp with time zone ~> GMT - Mailing list pgsql-docs
From | Jonathan Stanley |
Subject | Re: timestamp with time zone ~> GMT |
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Msg-id | Whole thread Raw |
In response to | timestamp with time zone ~> GMT (PG Doc comments form <>) |
List | pgsql-docs |
Thank you. I believe that explanation would have helped.
FWIW, I ultimately decided to simply duplicate the column:
1. keep the timestamp column for sorting/filters/etc.
2. add a full iso 8601 column as text for straightforward client handling (avoids forcing the client to stitch the data back together; simplicity preferred over small data cost IMO).
Perhaps this would be a preferred solution for many others' use cases? Certainly up to you all on whether this additional tip is worth including. I'll just say I'm a bit embarrassed to admit how long it took me to realize this answer!
On Mon, Feb 3, 2025 at 10:59 AM Robert Treat <> wrote:
On Mon, Jan 27, 2025 at 9:36 AM Tom Lane <> wrote:
> Laurenz Albe <> writes:
> > On Mon, 2025-01-27 at 07:51 +0000, PG Doc comments form wrote:
> >> Suggestion: Assuming my understanding is accurate - clarify for the reader
> >> that time zone offset is lost (after conversion to UTC). At risk of stating
> >> the obvious: "timestamp with time zone" is a rather misleading name.
> >> "timestamp coerced to UTC" or something would be more accurate.
> > Your understanding is correct.
> > I personally think of "timestamp with time zone" as an "absolute timestamp".
> Yes. The datatype's behavior is not what you would expect from the
> SQL standard, which makes our choice of the standard-derived name
> rather unfortunate. That choice is well over 25 years old though,
> so there's not much chance of changing it now.
This does seem to come up often enough that it probably is worth being
a bit more explicit about how this works; attached patch attempts
Note, I dropped the bit about GMT; that change was made ~40 years ago,
and I suspect it is close to noise for many people these days, though
it could be added back if folks feel strongly about it.
> > To preserve the original time zone that was entered, you'd have to store it
> > in a separate database column.
> The other problem is: what are you gonna store exactly? A numeric
> offset from UTC is unambiguous but doesn't bring much to the table
> compared to what we do now. A time zone name is a possibility,
> but (a) that's bulky and (b) the politicians keep changing the
> DST laws, so the meaning could change. In certain cases like
> appointment calendars, tracking local law is just what you want
> ... but in cases like flight schedules, probably not.
As Tom notes above, what to store is debatable, and generally seems to
conflate storage and display desires together, which makes it hard to
imagine a generic enough implementation to put into core, but there
are some attempts to solve this problem floating around in extension
land. See
as one such attempt.
Robert Treat
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