We generally throw an error when create table options are specified
more than once, see below:
postgres=# create table t1(a1 int) with (fillfactor = 10, fillfactor = 15);
ERROR: parameter "fillfactor" specified more than once
Although "with oids" support is removed by the commit 578b229718 and
we do still support with (oids = false) as a no-op which may be for
backward compatibility. But, why do we need to allow specifying oids =
false multiple times(see below)? Shouldn't we throw an error for
consistency with other options?
postgres=# create table t1(a1 int) with (oids = false, oids = false,
oids = false);
And also, the commit 578b229718 talks about removing "with (oids =
false)" someday. Is it the time now to remove that and error out with
"unrecognized parameter "oids""?
* This is not a great place for this test, but there's no other
* convenient place to filter the option out. As WITH (oids =
* false) will be removed someday, this seems like an acceptable
* amount of ugly.
postgres=# create table t1(a1 int) with (oids = 10);
ERROR: unrecognized parameter "oids"
With Regards,
Bharath Rupireddy.
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com