On Tue, 26 Nov 2024 at 12:59, Yash Jain <jainism987e@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I noticed that in the CREATE EXTENSION code, the permission is elevated to the superuser who creates and owns all of
theextension objects.
> I was wondering why this elevation is done.
> I understand that the C-based functions can only be created by a superuser. Are there any other db objects that
requiresuperuser? Or is C-based functions the only one?
> I am hacking around the extension code (locally for my own purpose), and seeking information on this. Thank you.
Hi! This is a more pgsql-general list question.
Objects that created during extension install script will be owned by
superuser (except when extension control file uses superuser=false)
Try this:
create extension dblink ;
select * from pg_depend where deptype = 'e' and refobjid = (select oid
from pg_extension where extname = 'dblink');
You will see a bunch of functions, types and foreign server objects,
all owned by superuser.
For example, for foreign server you can verify it like this:
db2=> select fdwowner from pg_foreign_data_wrapper where fdwname = 'dblink_fdw';
(1 row)
Best regards,
Kirill Reshke