On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 10:27 PM, Alexander Reichstadt
<info@apfeltaste.net> wrote:
> I am trying to "simply" export my postgres database from one server and then import it into another. I thought I
coulduse PhpPgAdmin, but the hints on the web don't seem to work. One said to simply get a dump from one phpPgAdmin,
thego to the other server, select the database, click the SQL button and then select the dump file. When I do this the
importfails because the dump file begins with a \connect statement. The escape char doesn't seem to go through the web
frontendor something. But without the connect statement it ends up telling me no database selected. Please, can someone
letme know how to do this?
This will help you http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/app-pgdump.html
Sergey Konoplev
a database and software architect
Jabber: gray.ru@gmail.com Skype: gray-hemp Phone: +79160686204