On Wed, 24 Jan 2024 at 15:16, Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)
<kuroda.hayato@fujitsu.com> wrote:
> Dear Vignesh,
> Thanks for updating the patch! Basically your patch looks good.
> Below lines are my comments for v3.
> 01.
> ```
> <para>
> The output plugins referenced by the slots on the old cluster must be
> installed in the new PostgreSQL executable directory.
> </para>
> ```
> PostgreSQL must be marked as <productname>.
> 02.
> ```
> <programlisting>
> pg_ctl -D /opt/PostgreSQL/data1 stop -l logfile
> </programlisting>
> ```
> I checked that found that -l was no-op when `pg_ctl stop` was specified. Can we remove?
> The documentation is not listed -l for the stop command.
> All the similar lines should be fixed as well.
> 03.
> ```
> On <literal>node3</literal>, create any tables that were created in
> the upgraded <literal>node2</literal> between
> <xref linkend="cascaded-cluster-disable-sub-node2-node3"/> and now,
> ```
> If tables are newly defined on node1 between 1 - 11, they are not defined on node3.
> So they must be defined on node3 as well.
The new node1 tables will be created in node2 in step-11. Since we
have mentioned that, create the tables that were created between step
6 and now, all of node1 and node2 tables will get created
> 04.
> ```
> <step>
> <para id="cascaded-cluster-disable-sub-node2-node3">
> ```
> Even if the referred steps is correct, ID should be allocated to step, not para.
> That's why the rendering is bit a strange.
The attached v4 version patch has the changes for the same.