On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 4:17 AM Krasiyan Andreev <krasiyan@gmail.com> wrote:
I have currently suspended development of this patch, based on it's review, but I will continue development of the other Oliver Ford's work about adding support of respect/ignore nulls for lag(),lead(),first_value(),last_value() and nth_value() and from first/last for nth_value() patch, but I am not sure how to proceed with it's implementation and any feedback will be very helpful.
* I applied your patch on top of 58c47ccfff20b8c125903 . It applied cleanly , compiled, make check pass, but it have white space errors:
*Added functions on windowfuncs.c have no comments so it's not easily understandable.
* Regression test addition seems huge to me. Can you reduce that? You can use existing tables and fewer records.
* I don’t understand why this patch has to change makeBoolAConst? It already make “bool” constant node