Hey ,
Here are a few comment.
+ <varlistentry id="libpq-connect-falover-timeout"
Here's a typo: ="libpq-connect-falover-timeout"
+ {"failover_timeout", NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ "Failover Timeout", "", 10,
Word is separated by hyphen in internalPQconninfoOption lable as a
surrounding code
+ If the value is <literal>random</literal>, the host to connect to
+ will be randomly picked from the list. It allows load balacing between
+ several cluster nodes.
I Can’t think of use case where randomly picking a node rather than in
user specified order can load balance the cluster better. Can you
explain the purpose of this feature more? And in the code I can’t see
a mechanism for preventing picking one host multiple time
By the way patch doesn’t apply cleanly I think it need a rebase