I am using postgresql 9.3 with pgadmin III, and Access 2013 as a front end for data entry using (ODBC connection) linked tables, on a Windows 8.1 (64).
I have one main database I am developing on a localhost:5432, with four other test databases I had on the same localhost. A few weeks ago the four test databases disappeared from the list in pgadmin III and using the shell command to list the databases, only the main database showed up.
A week ago, the four test databases reappeared and were apparently functional (in pgadmin I viewed the tables and they appeared fine). I turned off pgadmin and restarted, and the four test dataabases disappeared again.
Today, I turned on pgadmin and the four appeared again - I took a screenshot to confirm I am not hallucinating (!). Again, I turned off pgadmin, and restarted and they disappeared again.
Any ideas what is going on with my psotgresql set up that is causing this? Attached are screenshots of the six databases listed earlier and the two listed after the four disappeared.