postgres=# SELECT PID, now() - pg_stat_activity.query_start AS duration, query, state FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE (now() - pg
_stat_activity.query_start) > interval '5 minutes' AND state = 'active';
pid | duration | query | state
3957 | 17 days 12:00:30.782583 | START_REPLICATION B5/EE000000 TIMELINE 1 | active
(1 row)
Postgres 16 and pgbackrest 2.52.1 on RHEL 9.4
Is this a potential issue ? It has been running for 17 days . ( I have configured WAL replication to a standby server and pgbackrest to a remote server ) is this normal running 17 days START_REPLICATION B5/EE000000 TIMELINE1 active ?
Any hints to further trace where the query is executing, what it's trying to perform, how to optimize if this is not normal ? Any guidance is much appreciated..
Thank you,