Hello All.
pgRouting team is pleased to announce that the PRE-release 2.5.0-alpha Its ready for testing.
You can download from:
tests have being done also with postgreSQL 10
pgRouting team
See the pre-release documentation at:
See the list of closed issues:
Breaking change on:
New Signatures:
New Proposed functions
- pgr_bdAstar(one to many)
- pgr_bdAstar(many to one)
- pgr_bdAstar(many to many)
- pgr_bdAstarCost(one to one)
- pgr_bdAstarCost(one to many)
- pgr_bdAstarCost(many to one)
- pgr_bdAstarCost(many to many)
- pgr_bdAstarCostMatrix
- pgr_bdDijkstra(one to many)
- pgr_bdDijkstra(many to one)
- pgr_bdDijkstra(many to many)
- pgr_bdDijkstraCost(one to one)
- pgr_bdDijkstraCost(one to many)
- pgr_bdDijkstraCost(many to one)
- pgr_bdDijkstraCost(many to many)
- pgr_bdDijkstraCostMatrix
- pgr_lineGraph
- pgr_connectedComponents
- pgr_strongComponents
- pgr_biconnectedComponents
- pgr_articulationPoints
- pgr_bridges
Deprecated Signatures
- pgr_bdastar - use pgr_bdAstar instead
Renamed Functions
- pgr_maxFlowPushRelabel - use pgr_pushRelabel instead
- pgr_maxFlowEdmondsKarp -use pgr_edmondsKarp instead
- pgr_maxFlowBoykovKolmogorov - use pgr_boykovKolmogorov instead
- pgr_maximumCardinalityMatching - use pgr_maxCardinalityMatch instead
Deprecated function