Re: doc: Mention clock synchronization recommendation for hot_standby_feedback - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Jakub Wartak
Subject Re: doc: Mention clock synchronization recommendation for hot_standby_feedback
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In response to Re: doc: Mention clock synchronization recommendation for hot_standby_feedback  (Amit Kapila <>)
Responses Re: doc: Mention clock synchronization recommendation for hot_standby_feedback
List pgsql-hackers
Hi Amit,

On Mon, Mar 3, 2025 at 6:26 AM Amit Kapila <> wrote:

OK, sure.

> How about something like: "Note that if the clock on standby is moved
> ahead or backward, the feedback message may not be sent at the
> required interval. This can lead to prolonged risk of not removing
> dead rows on primary for extended periods as the feedback mechanism is
> based on timestamp."

Sure thing. I've just added '(..) In the extreme cases this can..' as
it is pretty rare to hit it. Patch attached.



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