However, the parallel worker should just be absorbing the same configuration settings your main session is using. So what remains to be explained is why you aren't seeing the same complaint when starting a fresh session. It might be useful to look at the output of
show default_text_search_config;
select * from pg_file_settings where name = 'default_text_search_config';
psql (15.3 (Debian 15.3-1.pgdg110+1)) Type "help" for help.
mydatabase=# show default_text_search_config; default_text_search_config ---------------------------- (1 row)
mydatabase=# select * from pg_file_settings where name = 'default_text_search_config'; sourcefile | sourceline | seqno | name | setting | applied | error --------------------------------------------+------------+-------+----------------------------+-----------+---------+------------------------------ /opt/postgresql/data/conf.d/06_locale.conf | 17 | 24 | default_text_search_config | | f | setting could not be applied (1 row)
I'm not sure what applied="", error="setting could not be applied" means. I can change it in the config file, no problem. I just would like to know if this is a simple configuration error, or a software installation error. (Is a built-in config that should always exist?)