I can get the following log randomly and I am not which commit caused it. I spend one day but failed at last.
2019-05-08 21:37:46.692 CST [60110] WARNING: problem in alloc set index info: req size > alloc size for chunk 0x2a33a78 in block 0x2a33a18
2019-05-08 21:37:46.692 CST [60110] WARNING: idx: 2 problem in alloc set index info: bad single-chunk 0x2a33a78 in block 0x2a33a18, chsize: 1408, chunkLimit: 1024, chunkHeaderSize: 24, block_used: 768 request size: 2481
2019-05-08 21:37:46.692 CST [60110] WARNING: problem in alloc set index info: found inconsistent memory block 0x2a33a18
it looks like the memory which is managed by "index info" memory context is written by some other wrong codes.
I didn't change any AllocSetXXX related code and I think I just use it wrong in some way.