On Tuesday, April 24, 2018, jake <
jakelist@zoho.com> wrote:
Well, after fleshing out your command, I got:
psql -tc "select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_database where datname='snowdrift';" | grep -qw 1
That looks more complicated than the StackOverflow solution:
psql -lt | cut -f1 -d \| | grep -qw <db-name>
Or at least it's longer. Hmm. I guess personal taste is a big factor here.
Jake T.
If your psql connection is logging you onto the snowdrift database checking for its existence explicitly seems pointless...otherwise, yes, using the -l option (which connects you, generally, to the default postgres database) in psql is going to be the better way to check for database presence since -l basically invokes the pg_database query for you.
David J.