On Wednesday, June 15, 2022, Bryn Llewellyn <
bryn@yugabyte.com> wrote:
I’ve copied a self-contained testcase below. Is the error that the "as intended" test causes due to a known limitation—or even a semantic dilemma that I'm failing to spot? Or might it be due to a bug?
I read the note in create domain as basically “don’t do this” (the not null part) but the issue you are pointing out seems unrelated to that.
This one cases the error, thus:
ERROR: failed to find conversion function from key_vals_nn to record[]
CONTEXT: SQL expression "(kv1_nn = any(kvs_nn))"
select f('as intended');
The fact that a domain over an array isn’t being seen as an array here seems like a bug. POLA violation at least, and I don’t recall any notes regarding this dynamic in the docs.
However, a more trivial case does work, at least in HEAD:
postgres=# create domain mytext as text[] not null;
postgres=# select '1' = any(array['1','2']::mytext);
(1 row)
postgres=# create type kv AS ( key text, val text );
postgres=# create domain kvarr as kv[];
postgres=# select ('1','one')::kv = any (array[('1','one')::kv]);
(1 row)
postgres=# select ('1','one')::kv = any ((array[('1','one')::kv])::kvarr);
ERROR: failed to find conversion function from kvarr to record[]
So the interaction of a composite type and the domain over array seems to be the scope of the issue - which makes me thing bug even more.
David J.