Bug reference: 17771 Logged by: Albin Hermange Email address: albin.hermange@gmail.com PostgreSQL version: 15.1 Operating system: all OS Description:
i propose to add a new field "rule_enabled" to get (easilly and officially) the rule status to all PG version
CREATE VIEW pg_rules AS SELECT N.nspname AS schemaname, C.relname AS tablename, R.rulename AS rulename, R.ev_enabled as rule_enabled, pg_get_ruledef(R.oid) AS definition FROM (pg_rewrite R JOIN pg_class C ON (C.oid = R.ev_class)) LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace) WHERE R.rulename != '_RETURN';
What do u think about that ?
Its absence isn't a bug - if you want to take a poll, post something to pgsql-general, if you want to submit a patch, send it to pgsql-hackers.