TO_TIMESTAMP(to_char(DATE1, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24'|| ' '||'MI'||' '||'SS')||' '||(SELECT utc_offset FROM pg_catalog.pg_timezone_names
WHERE name=DATETIMEZOZE1) , ''YYYY-MM-DD HH24'||' '||'MI'||' '||'SS')::timestamptz
getting result..
But in oracle using systimestamp,to_timestamptz and SS TZH is not supporting to_timestamp in postgres.
I do not know about Oracle, but in postgres you are substracting to timestamps ( current_timestamp - to_timestamp(whatever) ). This gives you an interval.
diffrence is days displaying in postgres query..i thnk something wrong. is it..?
Days is displaying in postgres query because it is the default format to display intervals ( it's a little more complicated, but related ).
$ select '1500 days 8 hours 9 minutes 10 seconds'::interval; interval -------------------- 1500 days 08:09:10 (1 row)
If you want a particular format you should use the appropiate formatting functions, like to_char