2012/2/24 Peter Eisentraut <peter_e@gmx.net>:
> On fre, 2012-02-10 at 17:44 +0100, Jean-Baptiste Quenot wrote:
>> Please find attached a patch that solves this issue. Instead of a PG
>> crash, we get the following message:
>> ERROR: plpy.Error: no result fetched
> Hmm, should it be an error or just return None? Python DB-API
> cursor.description returns None if no result set was returned.
IMO raising an error is much better because:
1) It is not a valid usecase to retrieve result metadata when no rows
are expected to be returned
2) The various metadata methods return a sequence. Checking for null
value in this case is not a very good programming style. I expect to
find an empty list when no data is available.
Jean-Baptiste Quenot