Error; pg_upgrade 10 to 15 - Mailing list pgsql-admin

From SOzcn
Subject Error; pg_upgrade 10 to 15
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Re: Error; pg_upgrade 10 to 15
Re: Error; pg_upgrade 10 to 15
List pgsql-admin
Hello Folks,

We are upgrading from version 10 to 15. We encountered the following error for the first time. Can you give any ideas on how to solve this error? Since it is a system table, we cannot intervene on it.

pg_restore: from TOC entry 3312; 0 0 ACL TABLE "pg_pltemplate" postgres
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  relation "pg_catalog.pg_pltemplate" does not exist
Command was: GRANT SELECT ON TABLE "pg_catalog"."pg_pltemplate" TO "username";

We upgraded many Postgresql in the same way. But this error just blew up somehow.
For this cluster, we upgraded 10 to 11 and then 11 to 12 without a problem, but the same error comes after 12 to 13 and 12 to 15.

The other issue is that the check is successful when we check the cluster for the upgrade.

The Upgrade Command; 

--old-bindir /usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin/
--new-bindir /usr/lib/postgresql/15/bin/
--old-datadir /data/rac/12/main/
--new-datadir /data/rac/15/main2
--old-options '-c config_file=/etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf'
--new-options '-c config_file=/etc/postgresql/15/main2/postgresql.conf' --check

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