I'm seeing the following annoying build warnings on Windows (without
asserts, latest Postgres source):
pruneheap.c(858): warning C4101: 'htup': unreferenced local variable
pruneheap.c(870): warning C4101: 'tolp': unreferenced local variable
I notice that these are also reported here: [1]
I've attached a patch to fix these warnings.
(Note that currently PG_USED_FOR_ASSERTS_ONLY is defined as the unused
attribute, which is only supported by GCC)
[1]: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAH2-WznwWU+9on9nZCnZtk7uA238MCTgPxYr1Ty7U_Msn5ZGwQ@mail.gmail.com
Greg Nancarrow
Fujitsu Australia