CREATE TABLE public.not_monthly ( id BIGINT DEFAULT "nextval"('"id_seq"'::"regclass") NOT NULL, clientid BIGINT, name_first CHARACTER VARYING(80) DEFAULT ''::CHARACTER VARYING, name_last CHARACTER VARYING(80) DEFAULT ''::CHARACTER VARYING );
I want to insert data from public.not_monthly to public.table_1(clientid,name_first) and public.table_2(client_id,c_id(FROM table_1),name_last)
table_2.c_id must have the ID from the insert on the table_1 table.
I did this:
WITH rows AS ( SELECT, t1.clientid, t1.name_first, t1.name_last row_number() OVER (ORDER BY AS rn FROM public.not_monthly t1 ), ins_table_1 AS ( INSERT INTO public.table_1 (clientid,name_first) SELECT clientid, name_first FROM rows RETURNING id ), ins_table_2 AS ( INSERT INTO public.table_2 (name_last,clientid) SELECT name_last, clientid FROM rows RETURNING id )