Re: ZStandard (with dictionaries) compression support for TOAST compression - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Aleksander Alekseev
Subject Re: ZStandard (with dictionaries) compression support for TOAST compression
Whole thread Raw
In response to ZStandard (with dictionaries) compression support for TOAST compression  (Nikhil Kumar Veldanda <>)
Responses Re: ZStandard (with dictionaries) compression support for TOAST compression
List pgsql-hackers
Hi Nikhil,

Many thanks for working on this. I proposed a similar patch some time
ago [1] but the overall feedback was somewhat mixed so I choose to
focus on something else. Thanks for peeking this up.

> test=# select build_zstd_dict_for_attribute('"public"."zstd"', 1);
> build_zstd_dict_for_attribute
> -------------------------------
> t
> (1 row)

Did you have a chance to familiarize yourself with the corresponding
discussion [1] and probably the previous threads? Particularly it was
pointed out that dictionaries should be built automatically during
VACUUM. We also discussed a special syntax for the feature, besides
other things.


Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

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