> The correct version is as follows.
> make installcheck-world: tested, passed
> Implements feature: tested, passed
> Spec compliant: tested, passed
> Documentation: tested, passed
Thanks for your feedback!
> About the tests pushed to the SSL test suite, I'm +-0. 003_sslinfo.pl
> is a bit better than the two others in the SSL test suite, still it
> does not really fit into this file.
So to clarify, you propose creating a new file for the test (still in
the ssl/ suite) or keep it as is?
I agree that this is not exactly the best place for the test. However
I'm not sure whether creating a new one, e.g.
ssl/t/004_code_coverage.pl will be much better considering the fact
that the test still has little (nothing) to do with SSL.
Personally I'm fine with either option though.
Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev