> > This was briefly brought up in the discussion that ultimately led to
> > protocol.h [0]. I don't have a particularly strong opinion on the matter,
> > but I will note that protocol.h was intended to be easily usable in
> > third-party code, and changing it from characters to an enum from v17 to
> > v18 might cause some extra code churn.
> We could avoid that issue by back-patching into 17; I don't think
> it's quite too late for that, and the header is new as of 17.
> However, I'm generally -1 on the proposal independently of that,
> [...]
> (This applies only to the s/char/enum/ proposal; I've not read
> the patchset further than that.)
That's fair enough. Also it's not clear how much type safety enums
give us exactly. E.g. after applying 0002 pq_putmessage() a.k.a.
PQcommMethods->putmessage() silently casts its first argument from
`enum PqMsg` to `char` (shrug).
Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev