> > Oh no! We encountered one of the most difficult problems in computer
> > science [1].
> Indeed :-(. Looking at it again this morning, I'm thinking of
> using "contain_mutable_functions_after_planning" --- what do you
> think of that?
It's better but creates an impression that the actual planning will be
involved. According to the comments for expression_planner():
* Currently, we disallow sublinks in standalone expressions, so there's no
* real "planning" involved here. (That might not always be true though.)
I'm not very well familiar with the part of code responsible for
planning, but I find this inconsistency confusing.
Since the code is written for people to be read and is read more often
than written personally I believe that longer and more descriptive
names are better. Something like
contain_mutable_functions_after_planner_transformations(). This being
said, in practice one should read the comments to learn about corner
cases, pre- and postconditions anyway, so maybe it's not that a big
deal. I think of contain_mutable_functions_after_transformations() as
a good compromise between the length and descriptiveness.
Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev