On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 10:23 AM Thakur, Jitender
<jitenderthakur@spglobal.com> wrote:
> Hi Merlin,
> Thanks for responding immediately.
> I am sharing snip for your reference., actually my PostgreSQL is totally messed up, which is hampering my workflow.
> Please help me to reset entire view.
OK, I don't know what to do with that screenshot.
First of all, this mailing list is for dealing with bugs (or suspected
bugs) WITH postgres. I highly doubt that is what is happening here..
This seems to me to be more of a basic tech support request.
I have no idea what that tool is (it looks java based), and you
haven't given enough information to get any kind of meaningful help.
What are you trying to do, what steps have you taken, and what isn't
working? Also, out of politeness to people on this list, we may have
to take this offline or move elsewhere.