While testing another WIP patch [1] a clashing GID problem was found,
which gives us apply worker errors like:
2021-04-26 10:07:12.883 AEST [22055] ERROR: transaction identifier
"pg_gid_16403_608" is already in use
2021-04-26 10:08:05.149 AEST [22124] ERROR: transaction identifier
"pg_gid_16403_757" is already in use
These GID clashes were traced back to a problem of the
concurrent-abort logic: when "streaming" is enabled the
concurrent-abort logic was always sending "prepare" even though a
"stream_prepare" had already been sent.
PSA a patch to correct this.
[1] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAHut%2BPuB07xOgJLnDhvbtp0t_qMDhjDD%2BkO%2B2yB%2Br6tgfaR-5Q%40mail.gmail.com
Kind Regards,
Peter Smith.
Fujitsu Australia