Thanks for reviewing the patch - I've added a few changes and it looks as follows:
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index e5ce437a5c7..37d4e9ca741 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -1343,14 +1343,41 @@ if sslopt in ['auto', 'openssl']
# via library + headers
if not ssl.found()
+ is_windows = host_system == 'windows'
+ ssl_lib_common_params = {
+ 'dirs': test_lib_d,
+ 'header_include_directories': postgres_inc,
+ 'has_headers': ['openssl/ssl.h', 'openssl/err.h'],
+ }
ssl_lib = cc.find_library('ssl',
- dirs: test_lib_d,
- header_include_directories: postgres_inc,
- has_headers: ['openssl/ssl.h', 'openssl/err.h'],
- required: openssl_required)
+ kwargs: ssl_lib_common_params,
+ required: openssl_required and not is_windows
+ )
+ # before openssl version 1.1.0, there was a different naming convention for libraries on win
+ # the counterpart for libssl.[lib|dll] was ssleay32.[lib|dll]
+ # more details in
https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/10332#issuecomment-549027653+ # hence if 'ssl' is not found and it's windows, try 'ssleay32'
+ if not ssl_lib.found() and is_windows
+ ssl_lib = cc.find_library('ssleay32',
+ kwargs: ssl_lib_common_params,
+ required: openssl_required
+ )
+ endif
crypto_lib = cc.find_library('crypto',
dirs: test_lib_d,
- required: openssl_required)
+ required: openssl_required and not is_windows)
+ # before openssl version 1.1.0, there was a different naming convention for libraries on win
+ # the counterpart for libcrypto.[lib|dll] was libeay32.[lib|dll]
+ # more details in
https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/10332#issuecomment-549027653+ # hence if 'crypto' is not found and it's windows, try 'libeay32'
+ if not crypto_lib.found() and is_windows
+ crypto_lib = cc.find_library('libeay32',
+ dirs: test_lib_d,
+ required: openssl_required)
+ endif
if ssl_lib.found() and crypto_lib.found()
ssl_int = [ssl_lib, crypto_lib]
ssl = declare_dependency(dependencies: ssl_int, include_directories: postgres_inc)
btw I also submitted a pull request on GitHub, which can be found here: