Hi David,
I tested out your example and all works fine for me as well. But I live the main issue lies in the following example:
create table rangep (a bool, b bool, c date) partition by range (a,b,c);
create table rangep1_recent partition of rangep for values from (true,false, '1990-01-01') to (true,false,'2090-01-01');
create table rangep1_deleted partition of rangep for values from (false,true, '1990-01-01') to (false,true,'2090-01-01');
create table rangep1_2019 partition of rangep for values from (false,false, '2019-01-01') to (false,false,'2020-01-01');
create table rangep1_2018 partition of rangep for values from (false,false, '2018-01-01') to (false,false,'2019-01-01');
create table rangep1_2017 partition of rangep for values from (false,false, '2017-01-01') to (false,false,'2018-01-01');
explain select * from rangep where not a and not b and c = '2019-07-10';
When doing:
explain select * from rangep where a and not b an and c = '2019-07-10';
or simply
explain select * from rangep where a and c = '2019-07-10';
It successfully searches only in the 'recent' partition.
I believe the planner gets confused when we introduce the following two combinations: (true, false, '1990-01-01') - (true, false, '2090-01-01') and (false, true, '1990-01-01') - (false, true, '2090-01-01').
My current Postgres version is PostgreSQL 11, 2.2.4. ("PostgreSQL 11.4 on x86_64-apple-darwin16.7.0, compiled by Apple LLVM version 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42), 64-bit")
Thank you for the quick response, I’m eager to receive your feedback.
Have a great day!