Bug reference: 15260 Logged by: Uri Parush Email address: urip@ensilo.com PostgreSQL version: 9.6.0 Operating system: windows 10 Description:
Hi, I think I found a bug in PostgreSQL json column type. I created the next table: CREATE TABLE public."Dummy" ( json json )
And insert the next data: INSERT INTO public."Dummy"( json) VALUES ( '{ "ID": 9059650307334996772}' );
The data that was saved was incorrect: {"ID":9059650307334997000}
Looks like PostgreSQL round the number in the insertion.
Doesn't work that way for me -- mine returns the original number. In particular, the json datatype doesn't do any parsing at all, so it "cannot happen". jsonb does parsing, but that one also doesn't round it off.
Are you doing this from psql or some other frontend tool? My guess is the frontend tool is somehow messing with the data for you. If you didn't already do it in psql, please confirm if you can reproduce it from there.