journaling / time travel - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Willy-Bas Loos
Subject journaling / time travel
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Responses Re: journaling / time travel
Re: journaling / time travel
List pgsql-general

In a joint effort with some parties, we have created a large database (1.1 TB)  of records that change only occasionally. Mainly, more of them are added to the database in a slow rate (1.1 TB built up in 10 years).
The records can have some significance in legal cases. Since records can be changed afterwards, it has been argued that we should have "journaling", meaning that every change to the data is saved in a separate schema that holds a "journaling" copy of each table in the datamodel, including lookups. So theoretically it is possible to go back to the data at one exact point in time. This is stored in the same database.
By now, this journaling schema takes up 624GB.
I once looked into a contrib module called time travel that does something similar, hence the title.

The use case of legal disputes being fought with our data as evidence and digging up the exact data from a certain point of time never occurred in those 10 years, and it is unlikely that it ever will.
But it might, if anyone could reasonably expect this to be possible.

Also, it has been argued that this journal is a good thing, because it could save us in case of a unforeseen creeping corruption of data or some other catastrophe that isn't covered  by our backup system. Someone described this as a good practice, resulting in the fact that we still do this.

Now, i don't like this blown up journal that we don't ever use, so i would love to lose it.
But indeed we should do anything we reasonably can to protect that data.

My question to you all is:
* Is the legal thing actualy something one could expect of us?
* Is the security thing really a good practice?
* Is this a common use case that is normally solved with standard components?

One thing: PITR would be a candidate for a standard component, but it takes up much more space. We could double the retention time if the journal were to be axed, but that would probably not be enough.


Willy-Bas Loos

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From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: Re: Index scan is not working
From: Willy-Bas Loos
Subject: Re: journaling / time travel